Rules and rights for residents

As a resident of one of our largely 18.000 homes in the greater Copenhagen area, there are both practical, econimic, and legal conditions, you should be aware of in order to ensure the security a home provides, when at its best:

  • You are obliged to pay your monthly rent and your expenses for water, heating, and laundering.
  • You have a responsibility as well as a range of possibilities when it comes to maintaining and improving your home.
  • You have the benefit of the common facilities of your housing estate.

Below, you can read about the responsibilities and possibilities that come with being a resident in an AAB home.

Your monthly rent

Paying your rent once every month is an important condition for being a resident of an AAB home.

Your rent is due on the first work day of each month, at the latest. We cannot grant exemptions from this rule or divide your rent over several payments.

You pay your rent using the payment slip that we send to your postal adress. You can also sign your payment up for payment service (betalingsservice). If you use payment service, you will no longer receive our payment slips, and your rent will automatically be paid each month up until the day, when you choose to stop it.

If you have not received the payment slip, you must contact our finance department on, and we will send you a new one. It is important that you do this, before your rent is due.

If you do not pay your rent in time, we will send you two reminders. If you still have not paid your rent after the last reminder, we will have to hand over the case to our lawyer. This will cost a fee, and there is a risk that you will be evicted from your home.

If your payment slip has not arrived in time for the payment of your rent, you still need to pay your rent in time. In this case, you can transfer the rent directly to our bank account.

Remember to provide your housing number (bolignummer) when making your payment. You can find your housing number on your lease.

Payments for Boligforeningen AAB can be made to:

AAB's bank account: Danske Bank: 3001 - 3015110325
AAB's Nem-konto/girokonto: Danske bank: 3001 - 9002782

(CVR NR.: 31428815)

If you pay from abroad, you need the following codes:

  • IBAN: DK5030003015110325

Maintaining your home

In the social housing sector, all residents contribute to a maintenance saving. It is generally the rule that residents are responsible for the maintenance of their home while living in it, and when a resident decides to move out, an inspection is made to assess the need for repairs.

The expenses of the resident for repairs depend on how long the resident has lived in the home. These expenses are written off by 1 percent for each month the resident lives in the home, so that after eight years and four months, the housing estate takes over the full expenses for repairs.

However, any repairs caused by a breach of the continuous need for repairs, is always covered by the resident.

As a standard, the following repairs are always made, when a resident moves out:

  • Painting and/or papering of the walls and ceiling
  • Cleaning up after painting and/or papering

Your right of disposal: What changes can you make in your home?

As a resident you have a right of disposal over your home. That means that you can make adjustments to the interior and receive compensation for your expenses if you move out.

Before you can start making adjustments, your work needs to be approved by Boligforeningen AAB. Furthermore, there is a limit to the amount, you can receive compensation for.

If you are interested in making adjustments to your AAB home, you should start out by contacting your local estate committee to find out what rules of disposal apply in your housing estate.