Boligforeningen AAB administrates just about 20.000 homes in the greater Copenhagen area. We are a social housing organization. In few words, this means that our goal is to create better housing for everyone without profiting.
In order to find a new home through Boligforeningen AAB, you must sign up on our waiting list. We appoint our vacant homes by seniority in relation to this list and are also subject to municipal agreements about priority claims for applicants who meet certain criteria.
Following the links below, you can find information in English about who we are, how to apply for one of our homes, and some information of use for you, who are already a resident in AAB.
We have not translated all of our content, so the information below is a selection of the most important information, you may need:
- What is social housing?
- How do I apply for a home in AAB?
- Can I get housing benefit?
- Rules and rights for residents
- Your housing estate
- Moving out
- Prevent mould in your home
- Boligforeningen AAB - about the organisation
Information in other languages
Contact us
If you cannot find, what you are looking for on these pages, you are welcome to contact us. You can reach us by phone or by e-mail.
The Customer Center addresses questions regarding waiting lists, listing, rental and termination of housing.
We can best help you if you send us an email at - we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.
Opening hours for telephone inquiries
Our phones are open every weekday from 12am to 3pm, except Fridays where we are open from 12am to 2pm.
You can contact us at phone number: 33 76 04 20.