When you move into one of Boligforeningen AAB’s homes, you are at the same time moving into a social housing estate. This means that you are living under a certain set of conditions and rules. On this page, you can read more about what it means to live in a social housing estate.
As the name suggests, what characterises social housing is first and foremost that no one profits from the rent. A home in the social housing sector is free of speculation and the rent is cost-related.
Social housing estates are build by means of public funding. In return, the municipality that has funded the building work can typically dispose over every third vacant home for housing purposes.
In Denmark, there are about half a million social housing homes. On the home page of the Ministry of Transport and Housing, you can find information about the housing policy of the Danish government and the many laws and rules that apply to the housing sector.
Homes for everyone
Social housing is for everyone, but at the same time it contains a special obligation towards population groups with particular housing needs. For example, young students, the elderly, the disabled, single parents, refugees, and residents in need of rehousing because of urban renewal.
Homes in the social housing sector are appointed by seniority in relation to a waiting list system. That is why you need to sign up on our waiting list, if you want to live in one of our homes.
A democratic housing model
Social housing is democratically structured with a majority of residents in all governing organs. Each estate is a self-supporting economic unit, and the finances of the estate cannot be used elsewhere in the housing association.
As a resident in a social housing estate, you can influence your local housing conditions as well as the direction of the housing association by taking active part in the work of your local estate committee.